Use Vegeta as a modern HTTP load testing tool written in Golang. It is built out of a need to drill HTTP services with a constant request rate. It can be used both as a command line utility and a library
Installation Instructions on Mac Machine
- Install ITERM Terminal – ITERM2:
brew install --cask iterm2
- Install JSON Monitoring Tool – JPLOT:
brew install rs/tap/jplot
- Install JSON Aggregation CLI – JAGGR:
brew install rs/tap/jaggr
An example of running load testing using Vegeta
echo 'GET http://localhost:8080/latency?delay=1' | \
vegeta attack -rate 5000 -duration 10m | vegeta encode | \
jaggr @count=rps \
hist\[100,200,300,400,500\]:code \
p25,p50,p95:latency \
sum:bytes_in \
sum:bytes_out | \
jplot rps+code.hist.100+code.hist.200+code.hist.300+code.hist.400+code.hist.500 \
latency.p95+latency.p50+latency.p25 \

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