Modern Technical Buzzwords You Should Know As A Software Architect


With the fast-paced technology landscape, there are modern technical buzzwords every software architect encounters on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of this blog is to enlist the majority of these buzzwords that you should know as a software architect. These are coined by industry experts, technology companies, research firms, domain experts, cloud companies, and so on. To ensure that we collaborate as a community, we have created a GitHub repository…

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Essential Engineering Skills For Every Software Architect


As a software architect in today’s world, expectations of essential engineering craft have increased drastically with the rise of the spectrum of technologies. Full-stack architecture knowledge, product & design thinking with customer centricity, startup mindset to do experimentation applying platform engineering, proactive production monitoring & observability applying SRE practices, and many more engineering practices are the new normal. The breadth of Engineering Knowledge is becoming more important than the depth…

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Engineering Blogs Every Software Architect Should Read

As a Software Architect, being aware and gaining broader context is a table-stakes in the current environment. But with information overload with many sources (social media, blogs, news articles, etc.), it is essential to prioritize your reading preferences. The decision to what to read and what not to read is a personal decision and your area of interest/skillset (user experience, web, data, integration, machine learning / artificial intelligence, IoT, DevOps,…

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Software Quality Strategy Is Essential For Every Architect

Ensuring software quality is one of the key performance indicators for a software architect. That’s why having a strategy to ensure software quality is an essential aspect of software architect’s key responsibilities. Essentially you can apply Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to manage Software Quality: 20 % of your focus on Software Quality can bring 80% of effects in delivering better Software Use the below three steps to make your software…

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How To Be A Successful Software Architect with Power of 3 Ps

To become a successful software architect, you need more than just technical skills. Today’s technology advancements equip you with powerful tools to elevate the business model for your clients in consideration of new social norms. A software architect is playing the larger role in digital or technology transformation and to be a successful software architect, you need to diversify your skill-set in all three areas – people, process, and platform…

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5 Factors A New-Age Software Developer Should Strive For

Software Developer

As the software industry is evolving rapidly so as the environment, technologies, and expectations from a new age software developer. Particularly in a current situation like COVID, companies retain top valued software developers. Even if you have great coding skills, your company might not consider you valuable. Nowadays companies are looking for new-age smart developers – Being Aware, Being Social & Being Smart is the new demand of the hour.…

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5 Reports Every Software Architect Should Read

Technology Report

#1 – Google’s Accelerate State of DevOps Report Google’s research division has partnered with DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) research program to carry out data-driven insights for effective DevOps and organizational performance. As part of this program, they have been publishing State of DevOps Report (2014-2019) for the last six years. DORA became part of Google Cloud in 2018 (click here for announcement details). As an architect, it is one…

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Introduction to Software Architecture

Software Architecture

If you are starting your journey as a software architect, getting to know the fundamentals of software architecture as per industry standard (IEEE 42010) is the first step. This slide deck is an effort to unpack the IEEE definition of Software Architecture & provide the guidance and recommendation to make your journey easier. Refer to post on Logical Architecture & Physical Architecture for further details on creating effective architectural artifacts.…

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Top 10 Tools You Should Know For Software Architecture and Design Diagrams

Architects Tools

As a software architect, the future or current state of architecture and design need to be well-documented to align key stakeholders (developers, architects, security team, business team, product team, etc.). Architecture modeling and related tools provide the efficiency to create different views of architecture based on stakeholders needs and choosing the right tool is an essential ingredient for this purpose. This article outlines the standards and top 10 tools you…

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Understanding Digital Business Transformation is key for an informed Architect

Digital Business Transformation

Digital business transformation. A buzz word heavily used now a days, however it means different things for different organizations. Many organizations are either in the middle of a digital transformation, are planning a digital transformation or are struggling with a digital transformation. Digital Transformation can be defined as: “Digital transformation marks a radical rethinking of how an organization uses technology, people and processes to fundamentally change business performance” says George…

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