Diving Deep into Service Mesh: Unveiling Its Mechanism, Benefits, and Implementation

Preface With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, microservice-based architecture has become the popular choice for developing distributed architecture. Microservice helps in developing the services with bounded context. This implies that our architecture will be composed of a collection of polyglot services each focusing on a distinct business functionality. This helps in making architecture more reliable, scalable and enables the deployment of new features quickly. Like other architectural approaches, microservices…

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Top Microservices Frameworks in Go


This article is an effort to summarize the Top Microservices Frameworks in Go. Considering the flexibility in MSA (Microservices Architecture), these are not mutually exclusive and you can choose as per your architectural requirements, business need, organizational context, and other factors under consideration. Modern cloud-native architecture can use multiple frameworks in the same organization to develop different microservices. As per Go’s naming conventions, these frameworks can be referred to as…

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Spring Framework Ecosystem for Serverless, Microservices, Event-driven, Reactive Systems


Spring Framework, released almost two decades ago, has progressively established itself as a de facto standard for building Enterprise Java applications. With emerging trends of building applications by applying Microservices Architecture, Serverless with Cloud computing model, non-blocking architecture with Reactive architecture, Spring framework has been evolutionary in providing the support for modern architecture practices. With Spring Framework as a foundational capability, the below visualization represents the ecosystem of Spring community-provided…

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5 Lessons Learned From Applying Kubernetes In The Enterprise


Kubernetes is no longer a technology under consideration — it is in mainstream adoption and an industry-standard as a container orchestration platform. Kubernetes helps to focus on building business-centric capabilities by providing a standard platform deployable to the public or hybrid cloud environment. Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% today. With the rise of Kubernetes…

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Cloud Native Is The New Architecture Mantra For Core Banking Solutions


As Cloud-Native technologies are in mainstream adoption, financial services and core banking products have started adopting them across the spectrum. Fintech companies building core banking products have accelerated the trend and the traditional players have also started their journey with a well-defined roadmap to adopt cloud-native technologies. Cloud-native architecture is not just limited to building solutions using managed services by hyperscalers (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud), but also driven using…

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Top 10 Tips You Should Know As A Modern Software Architect

With fast-paced technology evolution, software architecture is evolving each day with new patterns and technology choices. This article summarizes the top 10 tips you should know as a modern software architect and the list is not limited but evolving. #1 – Be observant of frameworks providing acceleration towards Microservices Architecture (MSA) With Microservices Architecture in mainstream adoption, most of the frameworks either have started remodeling themselves as per Microservices Architecture.…

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Are you an API Architect? Apply these standards for defining Event-driven and RESTful APIs

API Standards

With the rise of Cloud, Microservices, and Cloud-native technologies, API development is one of the key focus areas for organizations – both from an internal and external integration perspective. OpenAPI – Standard for RESTful APIs OpenAPI specification (originally based on Swagger 2.0) has become the de facto industry standard for HTTP APIs providing the programming-language agnostic interface. Key highlights are: OpenAPI can not only describe APIs based on the HTTP…

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Evolution of Microservices Frameworks & Services (API) Development in Java


In continuation to the previous article on Top Microservices Frameworks in Java, the evolution of Java frameworks with service-oriented architecture towards microservices architecture helps to understand the complete perspective. Evolution of Java & Services Frameworks with Industry Trends Java EE launched EJB Specifications in 1999 to standardize enterprise services development to help developer’s focus on business logic encapsulation and underlying container (application server) handling non-functional aspects. Spring framework (launched in…

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Top Microservices Frameworks In Java

This article is an effort to summarize the Top Microservices Frameworks in Java and is listed in no particular priority order. Considering the flexibility in MSA (Microservices Architecture), these are not mutually exclusive and you can choose as per your architectural requirements, business need, organizational context, and other factors under consideration. #1 Spring Boot with Spring Cloud (Production-grade, Widely Adopted) Star Developed by: Pivotal (part of VMWare)Link: spring.io/projects/spring-boot Spring Boot…

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Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Prometheus, Grafana, and Keycloak using Kubernetes

Microservices with Spring Cloud

When I started research on building microservice architecture with completely opensource software, I established the following as key guiding principles: Opensource technology stack, which is proven & battle-tested for production systems Applying API Gateway pattern for Microservices Wider developer community support with active support (in case there are issues or troubleshooting needed) Good documentation with easily accessible learning material These principles helped me to choose the technology stack, which has…

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