Top Microservices Frameworks in Go


This article is an effort to summarize the Top Microservices Frameworks in Go. Considering the flexibility in MSA (Microservices Architecture), these are not mutually exclusive and you can choose as per your architectural requirements, business need, organizational context, and other factors under consideration. Modern cloud-native architecture can use multiple frameworks in the same organization to develop different microservices. As per Go’s naming conventions, these frameworks can be referred to as…

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Key Takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022

Key Takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 (Nov 28 — Dec 2) has continued the tradition of being the most happening cloud computing technology event. While there were many sessions covering leadership, partnership, technology updates, case studies, and much more — this article focused on sharing key takeaways from the event for software architects. #1 —Asynchrony and Event-driven Architecture enable the global scale The key theme of Werner Vogels’ keynote highlights the benefits of building asynchronous,…

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How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, Kubernetes is becoming a de facto skillset for software architects, developers, and system administrators. While there are different mechanisms to learn Kubernetes, certification such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program by The Linux Foundation helps to provide the direction, curriculum, and knowledge needed for real-world experience. Why get CKA certified? The CKA certification is designed to make sure that holders have the…

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System Design Mind Map For Building Distributed Systems


System design is foundational for building software architecture in relation to the system under consideration. For building distributed systems, the role of system design has been the key focus area starting with back-of-the-envelop calculations during the brainstorming phase. Whether you are preparing for a system design interview or a workshop as part of distributed system’s planning phase, covering the broader spectrum of knowledge areas is essential from a software architecture…

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Spring Framework Ecosystem for Serverless, Microservices, Event-driven, Reactive Systems


Spring Framework, released almost two decades ago, has progressively established itself as a de facto standard for building Enterprise Java applications. With emerging trends of building applications by applying Microservices Architecture, Serverless with Cloud computing model, non-blocking architecture with Reactive architecture, Spring framework has been evolutionary in providing the support for modern architecture practices. With Spring Framework as a foundational capability, the below visualization represents the ecosystem of Spring community-provided…

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Modern Technical Buzzwords You Should Know As A Software Architect


With the fast-paced technology landscape, there are modern technical buzzwords every software architect encounters on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of this blog is to enlist the majority of these buzzwords that you should know as a software architect. These are coined by industry experts, technology companies, research firms, domain experts, cloud companies, and so on. To ensure that we collaborate as a community, we have created a GitHub repository…

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Linux Commands Every Architect Should Know


Linux is pervasive in software deployment architecture, and being a hands-on technologist with Linux helps in various ways. This article summarizes most of the commonly used Linux commands & utilities every architect should know. As each variant or distribution of Linux might have differences, there might be some variation as per Linux variants: Debian Linux, RHEL & CentOS, Oracle Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Alpine Linux, and Arch Linux. Before we start,…

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Free Docker & Kubernetes Courses For Application Architects

Learn Docker & Kubernetes

As a full-stack architect, understanding and being hands-on with Docker & Kubernetes helps you to drive end-to-end architecture and technology decisions. This article summarizes free Docker & Kubernetes courses focused for application architects. #1 – Containerization with Docker Apart from having the basic knowledge of Docker, advanced knowledge of container runtime helps during troubleshooting and using advanced container creation practices such as multi-stage docker build. Additionally, having the basic knowledge…

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How To Be A Successful Software Architect with Power of 3 Ps

To become a successful software architect, you need more than just technical skills. Today’s technology advancements equip you with powerful tools to elevate the business model for your clients in consideration of new social norms. A software architect is playing the larger role in digital or technology transformation and to be a successful software architect, you need to diversify your skill-set in all three areas – people, process, and platform…

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5 Factors A New-Age Software Developer Should Strive For

Software Developer

As the software industry is evolving rapidly so as the environment, technologies, and expectations from a new age software developer. Particularly in a current situation like COVID, companies retain top valued software developers. Even if you have great coding skills, your company might not consider you valuable. Nowadays companies are looking for new-age smart developers – Being Aware, Being Social & Being Smart is the new demand of the hour.…

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