5 Steps You Should Know About Building Cloud Solution Architecture on Azure Cloud


Microsoft Azure is one of the fastest-rising cloud solution providers and with their enriched history of building products, Microsoft has created a knowledge hub to help build cloud solution architecture. This blog enlists 5 steps you should know about building cloud solution architecture on Azure. Azure Architecture Center provides a centralized place for architecting solutions on Azure using established patterns and practices. The below diagram depicts the five-step process to…

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Tech Tip #6 – Use C4Model for documenting software architecture in a modern way

Tech Tip: Using C4Model for documenting software architecture in a modern way using the technique created by a software architect (Simon Brown). It has been inspired by Unified Modeling Language and 4+1 architectural view model and adds the modern approach to simplify documenting and visualizing the software architecture. C4Model is the modern way to document and visualize software architecture with different levels of abstractions – Context, Container, Components and Code…

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5 Books Every Software Architect Should Read

Software Architecture Books

This article starts with selecting 5 books every software architect should read as part of their career journey. These books provide broader coverage of software architecture including architecture patterns, methodologies, design patterns, practices & tactics, documentation practices, and much more.  Other Recommended Books Book Title Purpose & Usage Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture– Martin Fowler A classic collection of prevalent enterprise patterns including domain logic patterns, data source architectural patterns,…

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Tech Tip #5 – Use Industry Standards And Guidelines For Documenting And Evaluating Software Architecture

Tech Tip: Using industry standards and guidelines for documenting and evaluating software architecture provides consistency and common semantics across the entire organization. Software architecture is a well-defined field and while there are informal practices in terms of documenting and evaluating architecture, the recommendation is to be aware of industry standards and apply them consistently. If you are new to the field of software architecture, click here to read about the…

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Top AWS reInvent 2021 Takeaways for Architects

Top AWS reInvent 2021 Takeaways for Architects

AWS re:Invent 2021 (Nov 29 – Dec 3, 2021) has been the key highlight in the technology community particularly after the pandemic. As an in-person attendee, it was a great opportunity to learn, discuss, understand, and experience the tech event. While there are many viewpoints, this article summarizes the top AWS reInvent 2021 takeaways for architects to help them be aware of the broader context. #1 – Don’t forget the…

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Tech Tip #4 – Use Lens IDE as a unified tool to manage Kubernetes cluster

Abstraction, flexibility, transparency, and avoiding vendor lock-in are key factors in choosing the suitable Kubernetes management solution. Lens Desktop is a developer-friendly IDE to manage Kubernetes built using opensource & cloud-native principles and a great offering as a unified tool to manage Kubernetes cluster. Lens IDE is a developer-friendly offering as a unified tool to manage the Kubernetes cluster across cloud vendors, and on-premises Kubernetes in a similar way. This…

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Top 10 Things to Know About Security As A Software Architect


With the rise of security attacks and vulnerabilities, every software architect should focus on security considerations for the system under consideration. This article highlights the top 10 things to know about security as a software architect. #1 – OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks & Secure Coding Practices The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a community providing freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies for web application…

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Tech Tip #3 – Understand DevOps ecosystem to apply trending patterns

Understanding DevOps ecosystem and related CI/CD tools to automate manual operations and apply trending patterns like GitOps, DevSecOps, MLOps, AIOps, DataOps, and many more emerging practices is an essential aspect for Software Architects. Key Concepts DevOps is the capability to build the organizational ability to deliver business value by combination of people, process and technology. Technology is only the part of the system and an enabler but DevOps lifecycle requires invovlement from both…

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Key Takeaways from CNCF KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021


CNCF has recently wrapped up a virtual conference (KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021) with 50+ sessions by engineering experts in Cloud Native technologies. Though this article summarizes key takeaways from the North America hybrid (virtual + in-person) conference (Oct 11-15), it is recommended to watch recorded sessions by clicking here. You can also access slides by clicking here. Key takeaways from CNCF KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021 conference have…

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Technology Tip #2 – Use dive as a tool for optimizing Docker or OCI image

dive for optimizing docker image

Use dive as a tool for optimizing and exploring a Docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker or OCI image Installation Instructions on Mac Machine Install using brew: Examples of running dive for optimizing Docker images Running dive as part of CI pipeline with arguments to fail/pass the build. For example, the below will fail the build if wasted bytes is more than 1024…

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