Spring Framework Ecosystem for Serverless, Microservices, Event-driven, Reactive Systems


Spring Framework, released almost two decades ago, has progressively established itself as a de facto standard for building Enterprise Java applications. With emerging trends of building applications by applying Microservices Architecture, Serverless with Cloud computing model, non-blocking architecture with Reactive architecture, Spring framework has been evolutionary in providing the support for modern architecture practices. With Spring Framework as a foundational capability, the below visualization represents the ecosystem of Spring community-provided…

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3 Emerging Technologies Redefining Application Architecture


Technology is an evolving field and while I published a separate article on a broader set of technologies getting momentum in 2022, this article’s focus is to highlight emerging technologies that started redefining software system architecture and product companies. #1 — eBPF: Redefining networking, security, and observability tools eBPF is a revolutionary technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run sandboxed programs in a privileged context such as the operating…

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Technology Trends and Updates To Know in API Management Ecosystem

API Standards

With the evolution of enterprise application integration, APIs are the most common interface to exposing functionalities to the wider ecosystem. The rise of Open Banking APIs for financial services, Open APIs in telecommunications, retail, and other domains are clear indicators that integration is not limited within an enterprise. Observing the technology trends in API management helps to extend the enterprise capabilities further, and opens up new possibilities. This article is…

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The Latest Trends in Serverless Application Development 

Serverless computing has established itself in mainstream adoption and started appearing in the technology roadmap for enterprise organizations. Research companies and industry leaders have predicted that serverless adoption will gain more momentum in 2022. While there are different aspects of Serverless in context to infrastructural elements such as storage, compute and network, this article focuses on the latest trends in serverless application development.  With an increasing focus to offload operations…

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Key Takeaways From Google Data Cloud Summit 2022


Google organized the Google Data Cloud Summit 2022 conference sharing product announcements, data products’ strategy and roadmap, insights of their products, and customer success stories using Google Cloud Data products. The focus of the conference was primarily on solutions in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Cloud Databases. This article summarizes the key takeaways based on the trends and themes observed during the conference. #1 — Multi-cloud…

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5 Lessons Learned From Applying Kubernetes In The Enterprise


Kubernetes is no longer a technology under consideration — it is in mainstream adoption and an industry-standard as a container orchestration platform. Kubernetes helps to focus on building business-centric capabilities by providing a standard platform deployable to the public or hybrid cloud environment. Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% today. With the rise of Kubernetes…

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Cloud Native Is The New Architecture Mantra For Core Banking Solutions


As Cloud-Native technologies are in mainstream adoption, financial services and core banking products have started adopting them across the spectrum. Fintech companies building core banking products have accelerated the trend and the traditional players have also started their journey with a well-defined roadmap to adopt cloud-native technologies. Cloud-native architecture is not just limited to building solutions using managed services by hyperscalers (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud), but also driven using…

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Top Ten Technology Trends For 2022


Observing technology trends by analysts, research companies, and thought leaders provides a broader perspective. It not only helps software architects to understand the impact of technologies being adopted but also helps them build the right skill-set for themselves or their team. This article synthesizes the top ten technology trends for 2022 and beyond based on broader research. #1 — Artificial Intelligence Platforms Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have reached mainstream adoption and…

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Why caching and in-memory data grid is no longer an afterthought


Evolution of Caching Technologies In an early stage, caching started with simply putting data into memory (mostly as local cache) in the same processing node (usually an application server). Gradually it evolved with externalizing the cache as a separate process and eventually re-engineered towards distributed computing architecture. In the current landscape, most of the caching system architecture uses in-memory data grid technology, which is essentially a part of in-memory computing…

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AWS App Mesh vs. Istio: A Comparison Of Service Mesh


Context As Microservices architecture isolates system functionalities into multiple independent services, the communication mechanism between these services plays a key role for a scalable, available, and high-performance architecture. A service mesh is an infrastructure layer that manages service communication in a transparent and language-independent way. It helps to configure how service instances perform critical actions such as service discovery, load balancing, data encryption, and authentication and authorization. Applicability The service mesh…

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